Welcome to this site; and enjoy your visit!

This site is dedicated to Yamaha keyboard players - and to musicians generally.

At the site you will find my keyboard and music software programs; my keyboard styles; and my articles about keyboards and music related topics.

Besides this you will find links to Yamaha keyboard related resources: styles; forums; software; resources sites; utilities; and technical data specifications.

Also included are links to music related web sites; music lessons and theory; music software; MIDI files; sheet music; songwriting; and music software programming.

News 2024

October 22

Added to Styles page:

Styleplayer Song Styles

October 16

October Newsletter has been published.

October 6

Added to Forums page:

PSR Tutorial is BACK. Hooray!

October 5

Added to Ins Files page:

Ins Files for PSR E463

September 29

Added to Software 2 page:

Backing Track Maker

Added to Programming page:

Phyton tool for SFF2 style editing

July 6

Added to Music Software 2 page:

GIGLAD Software Arranger

January 17

Updated software - Source and Save folders are memorized.

Style Split and Splice (ver. 1.11)

January 16

Updated software - User Interface changes.

Song Books Manager (ver. 1.5)

January 15

Updated software - Revised search method in Book Search.

Song Books Manager (ver. 1.4)

Updated software - Corrected errors in DGX models voice lists.

midi2style (ver. 6.21)

OTS Editor (ver. 2.47)

OTS Viewer (ver. 1.26)

Style Revoicer (ver. 1.49)

January 13

Updated software - Support for Genos 2; PSR E473 and PSR EW425.

CASM Editor (ver. 1.47)

midi2style (ver. 6.20)

MIDI Revoicer (ver. 1.48)

OTS Editor (ver. 2.46)

OTS Viewer (ver. 1.25)

Style Revoicer (ver. 1.48)

Voice Finder (ver. 1.45)

January 1

6 PDF versions of articles updated at My Articles page.

News from 2023



The Unofficial Yamaha Keyboard Resource Site - Owner and Webmaster Jørgen Sørensen © 1999-
Jørgen Sørensen

No part of this site may be reproduced or translated, electronically or otherwise, in whole or in part, without the express written consent of the owner. This also applies to site and page design.


I hereby expressly disclaim any liability for the content in and the legality of externally linked sites and pages.

All information at this site is presented 'as-is' meaning: No warranties whatsoever for correctness; completeness or usefulness.

This site is not and have never been connected with Yamaha Corporation, its affiliates, or subsidiaries.


Yamaha Keyboard Resource Site - Thanks If you find the information at this page useful, you can mail me a 'Thank You' or send me a donation.

Thanks to all the donors so far. Read here how to become a donor. Donating is voluntary, but appreciated. Sure it is Smiley

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This site does not use cookies; but Google may use non-personal information to provide relevant ads.

Questions ?

For questions about my site, my software, my articles, or my styles please mail me.

Latest Update

22 October 2024