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Deutsche Anleitung Deutsche Anleitung (F.-U. Julitz) pdf

Program Operation

Basically Text Formatter looks like and can be used like any other text processor. But besides this it has some effective editing features designed especially for editing chord/lyrics text files.

The following sections explains
• the function of the elements in the User Interface
• the formatting process

User Interface

In the Menu line:
• File Menu for opening and saving files

• Edit Menu for copying, cutting, pasting and selecting all text
• Font Menu for selecting font type, size and appearance
• View Menu for User Interface size
• Help Menu for getting help etc.

In the middle: The text area.

In the bottom:

Text Processing
Chord/Text Mover
Text files have a header and a number of chord/text/ (blank line) text groups. Maximum text line length is defined and optionally interleaved blank lines. • Clear: Clears text area.
• Reload: Reloads the file (not when pasted).
• Undo: One step back.
• Format Head: Formats the head section.
• Format Selection: Formats selected text.
• Format All: Formats the entire text.
• Ln Up: Cursor one line up
• Ln Dn: Cursor one line down
• Next Chord/Text: Selects next chord or text block
• < 1: Moves block one step backwards
• < Back: Moves block backwards and aligns the block
• Fwd >: Moves block forwards and aligns the block
• 1 >: Moves block one step forwards
• Start from Top: Restarts the selection
• Start Line over: Start from the left side
Formatting process


• Select the line number where the repeating sequence of chord/text/blank lines begins in "Chord/Text start at Line".
• Select the number of lines in this sequence in "Number of tied Lines".
• Select the chord line number within this sequence.
• Select the text line number within this sequence.

• Notice that you might not see all text in very long lines as word wrapping is disabled. The text area can be as wide as the computer screen by drawing the right border of the program window or by maximizing the program.
• Read below how to handle the situation if the format (number of lines in the sequence) is not the same throughout the file.

Adjusting chord alignment

• Click the "Next Chord/Text" button which will move the cursor to the first chord.

• Now click the appropriate button (repeatedly) to align the chord.
• Now click the "Next Chord/Text" button again to select the next chord.
• Now click the appropriate button (repeatedly) to align the chord.
• Continue with the remaining chords.

• Notice that the cursor automatically jumps the "Number of tied Lines" downwards and highlights the first chord in this line.
• If you move the chord too much; click the "Undo" button.

Formatting the file

• When the chords all have been moved the file can be formatted.
• If the format is stable from the start line and throughout the file the "Format All" method can be used to format the file.
• First check that the "Maximum line Length" and "Keep/Add blank Lines" settings are correct.
• Now click the "Format All" button.

Tweaking and saving the file

• Now do any additional manual editing.
• Now save the file! (Menu File -> Save File)

Format changes in the file

• When a line in the text area falls outside the normal format, click the "Line Dn" button to move the cursor one line downwards.
• As the format is NOT stable throughout the file the "Format All" button can NOT be used to format the file.
• First click "Format Header" to format the header, i.e. the lines before the normal format begins.
• Now highlight each area of text having the stable format separately, and click the "Format Selection" button.

• When moving chords, do not move the cursor manually as this will disturb the internal line counting method. Always use the "Line Up" and "Line Dn" buttons.

Tips and Tricks

Shorten the text lines - if necessary - before moving the chords; otherwise this has to be done twice!

When moving chords remember the two buttons:
• Start from Top: Restarts the selection
• Start Line over: Start from the left side of current line

Notice that when reaching the last chord clicking the "Next Chord/Text" button will move the cursor to the first chord.